31st December 2019
GB/T 3836.12-2019 "Explosive atmospheres Part 12: Test methods for the characterisation of combustible dust substances";
GB/T 3836.17-2019 "Explosive atmospheres Part 17: Equipment protected by pressurization rooms "p" and artificially ventilated rooms "v"";
GB/T 3836.25-2019 "Explosive atmospheres Part 25: Requirements for process sealing between flammable process fluids and electrical systems";
GB/T 3836.26-2019 "Explosive atmospheres Part 26: Guidelines for electrostatic hazards";
GB/T 3836.27-2019 Explosive environments Part 27: Tests for electrostatic hazards;
Five GB3836 standards have been adopted and will be fully implemented on 1 July 2020, including.